Tuesday, May 6, 2008

To facial or not facial that is the question...

I am an avid Internet junkie so I belong to various message boards most of which have something to do with either skin care, clothing or cooking( a.k.a.The Unholy Trinity). Recently on one such board the question was posed is a facial worth the money? The board is for anyone you don't have to be an esthetician to join and I think besides myself there may be two more members who are in the same line of work(you know popping zits, ripping out crotch hair)well the general consensus was NO a facial is a waste of money. Hmmm...well to say the least, this chapped my ass a bit so let me tell the general public why facials are worth the money(I am now stepping up onto my soapbox). If you, Joe Public, are like most people on average you spend less than one minute washing your face. Yes that's right, 1 minute to wash away up to 12 hours of dirt, oil, and nastiness. Then the next morning you gaze in wonder at the large zit on the end of your nose asking why me, I washed my face last night(insert picking here). When you go to an esthetician she is going to examine your skin, and pick out the products you need to get great skin. She can tell you why your cleanser sucks, why you are breaking out, why you have dry patches, why you shouldn't pick at zits, why Seinfeld's last episode sucked. In general she is your Buddha, pay attention dammit! Yes they are expensive but so worth it, when you walk out of that spa your skin is going to be as clean as it's been since your last facial. A happy satisfied client is what we strive for, it's our best advertisement so go...run..book that facial! Estheticians unite!!

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