Monday, March 16, 2009

Take It To A Professional Ladies.....

Has there ever been a time in your life when you thought hm mm...I think I'll scour my face with a Brillo pad, then wipe it off with bleach, then dunk my face in acid and follow that with a soothing dip in alcohol....twice a day? No? Well me neither but I'm always amazed at the craziness I run across on some of the message boards I frequent. Lets take for instance one young woman who wanted said board to critique her daily routine which she posted for our viewing pleasure. In the AM she washed with prescription strength salicylic cleanser, toned with a glycolic toner, applied a vitamin c serum all over, along with a retin-a cream, all topped off with a glycolic moisturizer. In the PM she did the same routine except she added some manual exfoliation and twice a week(yes twice a week)she did a TCA peel that she ordered on line. Her question was 'why does my skin always felt so tight and dry'? WTF?!? How about I just hold you down and dip you in battery acid and get rid of your entire face quickly instead of the slow steady decline you're subjecting it to. What are people thinking? I admit that before I became an esthetician I was a product whore. I'd try anything and everything as long as it was in a pretty package and told me I'd be beautiful post treatment. But even I wouldn't have been ballsy enough to do an at home TCA peel. I've posted advice on some of the boards and since they know I'm an esthetician I always get the remarks about how I'm trying to promote my profession. No smart ass, I trying to promote commonsense, something that the Internet seems to suck out of people at an alarming rate. I look at it like this; I wouldn't post on a board asking how to repair my car brakes because I know nothing about brakes and more than likely the person who answers my question doesn't know anything about brakes. They went and googled 'how to repair your own car brakes' and they are posting what they've read from someone else who read it from someone else who posted it because they thought it would be funny to post a sarcastic snarky blog on how to not fix your own brakes and somehow when it was spellchecked the not got taken out of the title(improper grammar is a bitch) and now millions of people are home repairing their brakes the incorrect way. You ever see a guy run a red light with a slightly confused look on his face, he repaired his brakes himself and if you look in the passenger seat and see his wife you'll notice her face is a dry, flaky mess because she tried to DIY her face with the equivalent of battery acid. Somethings just need to be left to the professionals... Estheticians Unite!!

1 comment:

the sweetest girl you know said...

That is exactly why I never go to some of those other message boards! I tried, but I just get so frustrated with the idiots, like the one you just posted about, that I just stay away! I can't imagine what her skin must feel like. And how thin it must be.