Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm Gonna Wash That Spa Right Out Of My Hair...

As some of you know I've recently quit my first spa job to take another, in a less bitchy, catty, moody, cheating me out of clients kind of spa. It's actually amazing what working in a toxic environment does to you and what it makes you want to do to others. My husband wouldn't let me handle sharp objects for months. I'm an easygoing kind of gal and I guess that's my problem. I'm not competitive enough to lie, cheat and steal to get the if we're talking about chocolate truffles that's a different story. I'd probably do all the above for a yummy, rich, gooey truffle....yum, but I digress. The experience at my first spa(that shall remain unnamed)was great, at first, and admittedly I learned some things. Namely how to spot when you're getting screwed out of appointments and to never sign a non-compete agreement, but beyond that I learned how to be a better waxer(I so sorry little old lady with three inch hair), microderm, and in general how to be comfortable in my skills as an esthetician. Now I've taken those lessons and moved onto a smaller place where I'm the only esthy. That's right the head honcho, the big Kahuna, the champ, the contender, the wax goddess...I'm surprised my fingers actually allowed me to type that last one they were laughing so hard, but I digress yet again. It's a completely different clientele though it's only 4 miles away from my old place. So far it's mostly older ladies and all I'm doing is waxing. I never realized how hairy little old women are, in out of the way places. The other day I was waxing a jawline and found the longest single hair in recorded history(I'm sure of it). For whatever reason the wax didn't pick it up(The wax was me). So I get out my handy dandy tweezermans and charge in for removal. Only to find I didn't know where it started. What? Yes, It was so long it curled and wrapped back around toward her ear so I had to uncurl it and then tweeze it. I so wanted to save that thing but I figure that would put me on the same level as Buffalo Bill(It puts the lotion on the skin!)And really who wants to be even steven with a serial killer?? It's an interesting new world for me at the moment so hopefully I'll have lots of goodies to share in the future...Estheticians Unite!!

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